Featured Members
A look at our members creativity and innovation

We Love Our Members

Our members make Fuse33 a vibrant community by bringing diverse skills and passions into the shop.

This encourages collaborative learning, making Fuse33 a dynamic hub for makers of all backgrounds.

Why Collaboration

The sense of community at Fuse33 is boosted by the collaborative spirit of its members.

Through their enthusiasm, they create a thriving, innovative, and supportive community.

How To Join

Whether you’re interested in diving into a passion project or want to see what Fuse33 has to offer, this is your hub for all things maker.

Check out our membership details or book a tour!

A cutting board made by John Groen​.

John Groen
Mient Woodworking

John Groen is a carpenter who works out of the Fuse33 space. Using reclaimed wood, John breathes new life into forgotten treasures, giving them purpose and beauty. Just like John’s intricate work, it’s all about fit. Fuse33 is a really good fit for him.

Here at Fuse33, the creative and collaborative nature of the space allows for makers like John to experiment with their art and expand their outreach. Given John’s background as a woodworker and as a teacher Fuse33 provides him with opportunities to lead and spark community engagement through instructing an introduction to woodworking workshop where participants have a chance to make a wooden cutting board from start to finish. 

Creative Collaborative Community

Fuse33 encourages innovative approaches to fabrication across all mediums. John embodies that spirit with his dedication to upcycling wood scraps, such as skateboard offcuts, to create unique pieces. John enjoys the inspiration that comes from working out of a lively community oriented space, as opposed to the isolating atmosphere of his garage. At Fuse33 John is able to tap into a diverse network of craftspeople that can provide support to his creative endeavours.

“Often, while working on my projects, I am asked for woodworking advice and in turn, I receive support with things that I’m still learning more about,” he says. “Not only do I appreciate the diversity of talented and creative folks at Fuse, the wide age range of makers contributes to the overall positive nature of the space.”

With the encouragement of other Fuse33 members, John embarked on a journey as a contestant on an online DIY competition in support of the American Lung Association, which had participants across North America. John maintained first place in his group for more than three weeks.

Inspired by the endless possibilities at Fuse33, John has crafted a one of a kind bed frame for his daughter and husband, exquisite end tables, scavenged and repurposed wood cutting board, and unique table for each of his children. John’s to-do list is constantly expanding thanks to our encouraging community and resources.

“It’s all about fit. Fuse33 is a really good fit for me. The creative collaborative community at Fuse supports and allows for the engagement of various makers.”

Follow John on Instagram to see more of his work.

Have an amazing project or an idea for a story? Tell us about it.